Human Body

Human Body

In March 2009, we will have several stations with volunteers with medical or biology training that you can review here: Human Body Stations.pdf.


In February 2009 we sent the students home with directions on how to grow bacteria. You can see those directions here:   Growing Bacteria in Petri Dishes.doc




Comments on Kits


Please add in your own observations on kits you have tried. To do so, click on the button above entitled "Edit Page" and then start filling in the table. Don't worry about formatting--we can tidy it up later!


 Kit Name
Price Rating Source
Magic School Bus- Human Body $19.95


 Science Museum, online (produced by NSF) Not all the hands on activities worked. The one on the lungs, stethoscope, and the human body poster were good; the chicken bones project did not work at all, and several other projects were just too hard to set up. KR Isaacs