Welcome to the 2012 Lakeside After-School Science Club (LASSC)!
If you would like information about this year's 2012 sessions, please contact Dr. Krystyna R. Isaacs
We will have ONE section this year --here is the 2012 LASSC ROSTER for this year's group. We will meet once/month for 2 hours (3:10-5:00) on a Wednesday in the science labs upstairs at Lakeside Elementary (except for the field trip on Friday, March 23, 2012 to the Legoland SeaLife Aquarium).
Tshirts will be passed out before the first session. Parent volunteers will be sent to the 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms and teachers notified to 'collect' the students on the first day of science club. Please pack a snack --we'll set aside 5 minutes before the start of science club for a quick snack.
The fee for the club this year will be $50 and it will cover:
- all programs from the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science at the school
- all educational materials/supplies
- a t-shirt for ALL participants
- end of Club Year Pizza Party
- the student cost for the field trip (parents and siblings are extra)
I will post a budget that shows our expenses. If you have questions about anything, please don't hesitate to email or call me (Krystyna Isaacs). Everything is documented and available for inspection.
Click on each link below to get a 'lesson plan' (and instructions on where to buy supplies if you want to do more of the same at home).
If you have any questions about the lesson plans listed below, please contact Dr. Krystyna R. Isaacs.
There will be one section this year, meeting on the following Wednesdays, from 3:10 to 5:00:
Section I
January 11, 2012 Sound Abounds
February 8, 2012 Look Out: The Eye
FRIDAY March 23, 2012, 6:30-8:30PM: Legoland SeaLife Aquarium and Educational Workshop
April 4, 2012 Pump Up the Heart
May 2, 2012 Legos: Simple Machines and PIZZA PARTY
2012 Year Lesson Plans:
Legos: Simple machines
Look Out: The Eye
Pump Up: The Heart
Field trip at Legoland SeaLife Aquarium-We will need one adult/3 children attending; parents must identify the adult who is watching the student at the time of registration for science club. Parents provide transportation. Session to start at 6:30 so please get there by 6:15 (there is Grapevine Mills mall, beside Legoland).
A parent volunteer schedule can be found here.
2013 Year (if we have leaders!)
Electricity and Magnets--Hands on experiments for 2 hours-we have 4 confirmed parent volunteers--may need two more--will send out a call for more help on January 12, 2011 if needed.
Farming for Fuel + Environmental Science Experiments
Sleepover at the Museum of Science and Nature (fee for students included in $75; additional fee of approximately $20 for adults; $35 for additional children/siblings 6-12 years of age). Parent supervision required to attend.
Human Body
CSI-Diamond Heist and Pizza Party
Committee Members:
Science Club Coordinators: Krystyna Isaacs, Debbie Watson
Every parent needs to sign up for at least one of the session dates listed above, or to volunteer to do one of the 'behind the scenes' tasks, such as:
-Picking up and distributing Tshirts -
-Making name tags (for 4 sessions)-Debbie Watson
-Field trip coordinator: helping with paperwork for siblings and adults reservations for the field trip
-Pizza party coordinator: ordering and bringing pizzas, ice cream, drinks and paper plates and napkins to the school on the last session (delivery around 4PM)-Melissa Hoeldtke
-Check on the Volunteer Background Checks for each parent volunteer
Help at the sessions: We need at least 6 adult volunteers/session--more would be better!
We will have 5-6 different 'stations' and it will be important to have one parent at each station to help the students with doing the experiment and then preparing to discuss it--please plan to come at 2:50P so I can go over the station activity. (Please plan to leave siblings at home on these days.)
Note: All volunteers need to have background checks. (if you have one on file for this year at Lakeside, you do not need to submit another one--just let the volunteer in charge of this activity know that your background check is on file).
Additional Resources
Testing Kits
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